08 September, 2011

ootd: lazing (09/08/11)

top: stitches
jeans: guess
belt: mom
necklace: gift
ring: gift, from georgina :)

i bought these boyfriend fit jeans from winners in august for a whopping $16. i never find shit like that almost in my size*, but there they were. it's also unusual for me to sleep past 6:30, which i managed to do yesterday morning. however, i woke up nice and early this morning... only to find that i'd fallen asleep while my hair was wet. nothing drastic, just twice as poufy as usual (and i have thick hair). ultimately, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

throw on some slouchy jeans, a pair of flip flops, pull your hair back into a poof (to disguise that bedhead; unfortunately, my hair won't respond to backcombing, so my "poof" was pretty half-assed). i guess half-assed the lazy aspect as well- i could've left my shirt untucked without a belt, but it works out that i don't like this shirt (which i bought three years ago), and it's the only button-up ridiculously long enough to tuck into those ridiculously** low-rise jeans. (what else can you expect from guess?)

*they're meant to be slouchy, anyways.
**fairly low-rise for boyfriend-style pants. that's why the belt's there.

music: "the low hum" by moby

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